
basic things to know about nune's object world


  • objects: the butter of what makes an object show an object show. all objects in my universe are descended from refugees after their home universe went unstable, with many dropping their cultures and blending in with the rest of the population for survival.
  • humans (object world): the current object world's counterpart to our humans. evolving from canines for a currently unknown reason, they act very similarly but are slightly shorter than other humans. they are considered the most privileged population in the object world.
  • hujects: hujects are a hybrid species descended from humans and objects. they have cartoony, non-detailed simplified faces and cartoony simplified anatomy with no uncanny features loaned from their object origins. some countries are majorly hujects due to their cultural histories, and some have them be just as common as mixed race people in our western world. you're probably super confused, but to assure you (if this will do anything), object and huject reproduction is entirely nonsexual regardless of who theyre reproducing with.
  • humans (earth world): these humans come from a version of our world where object shows were never invented and where people go missing far more often. due to constant instabilities, some are disappearing and meeting the same fate as objects, confused abt the strange new world they've ended up in.
  • numbers: the most recent arrivers to the current world objects live in, these cousins of objects with unique but not overtly powerful abilities have been scouring through space for a long, long time. because of the recency of their arrival, they still have cultural norms, like no gender at all, and their indigenous languages, some of which have been linked to objects.
  • davids/stick figures: the mutant children of hujects who survived a nuclear disaster in yoyle city. they have extremely thin skeletal bodies made up off of the same material as object limbs, often have abilities, rougher voices, and are extremely fragile.
  • sandeaters: the species of the world-famous ii character tyler bungard. being the earliest species with human intelligence on the current object world, theyve been here for hundreds of thousands of years. they are geovores, mainly eating rock and sand to survive, but also love meat.
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